Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Top Five Games

Ok here is the list of my top 5 video games, these game are for the PS3, Xbox 360 and the PC. Yeah I have all those platforms, perks from being college graduate.

5 – The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion

My number 5 was kind of hard to choose, but in the end it had to be Oblivion. For one it was the first real game that I owned. I remember those days when all I had to play was Oblivion, I didn’t mind, I actually liked it. This is the first game that got me really exited about video games. It’s also the first game that I spent more than 100 hours playing.

4 – God of War 3

Oh my God… I mean Oh my Kratos this game is awesome. If you own a PS3 and have never played God of War 3, I don’t know what you are doing with your PS3. For a fighting game to make it to my top 5 says allot about the game. You play the worlds most pissed off guy ever; you set out to kill Zeus, because he kind of screwed you over, more than once. The game actually feels like your trying to kill Zeus the God of lighting. Did I say that Kratos is Badass, cause he is… like a lot.

3 – Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

This game is simply the best action/adventure game out there. If you like games then you must like movies, if you don’t like movies you’re still a gamer. Thus this game is for you, it is a perfect mix between a movie and a game. The narrative is excellent, it would make Indiana Jones blush. The game play is at par with the narrative. It is a linear game, the only thing that is not scripted is the AI, but it is scripted to perfection. It has all the elements that make a movie great, and all the elements that make a video game fun. In the end, this game is a perfect combo.

2 – Fallout 3

War. War never changes, video games do and that’s a good thing. I tried to play the original Fallout, and it was not for me, maybe for an older generation of gamers. Thankfully Fallout 3 gave me the Fallout experience in a brand new format. For the past year Fallout 3 has been my fall to game, when I have nothing good to play I have Fallout. I can not remember when walking alone for hours on end have been fun, but in Fallout it’s amassing. The only thing better than playing Fallout alone is having a buddy that is playing Fallout too, then you can have all sorts of Fallout conversation: “Did you meet the ghoul that has the party hat on and the Nuka-Cola collection”. Just play this game and you will understand.

1 – Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2, this game is my favorite by a long shot. Why is this game my favorite? There is nothing wrong with it, the game play is perfect, the narrative is perfect, it keeps you hook from the moment you start the game the moment you end the game. Mass Effect is a trilogy, three separates games, but it plays out like one adventure. All the choice I made in Mass Effect 1 change, sometime a little and sometime a lot, the story in Mass Effect 2. When the game was released I was so exited to play it, that I actually turned off my phone, lock all the doors, closed all the curtains in my house so I would not be bothered. Anybody that has an Xbox 360 or a PC owes it to themselves to play this game. The Mass Effect universe is one that I am sure will rival the Star Wars universe, and this is coming from a big Star Wars Fan.

That was my top 5 games, feel free to comment on your top 5 games.